
Lips of an Angel (sonamy one-shot)

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MidnightFire1222's avatar

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“Honey why you calling me so late?
It’s kinda hard to talk right now”

It was eleven o’clock one December night. A snowstorm had blown in several hours prior and it had grown too dangerous to travel, especially after night had fallen. So instead of going out, Sonic and his girlfriend had decided to stay in and watch movies. He sat with her on the couch with a bowl of popcorn and Blaze situated against him. She shifted slightly, her soft lavender fur brushing the bottom of his chin as she got more comfortable. Sonic wrapped an arm around her, pressing play on the remote.

As the machine hummed to life and the opening animation sequence began to play, the phone in the kitchen began to ring. Sonic ignored it for about three rings. By the forth, it was clear that whoever was calling wasn’t going to give up until he at least answered. With a quiet sigh, Sonic leaned forward, placing the bowl on the table and causing Blaze to sit up as her bright amber eyes watched her beau stand up.

“Want me to pause it?” she asked.

Sonic shook his head. “Nah. It’s probably just Tails or something,” he assured, “It won’t take long.”

With a nod of understanding, the feline settled back down to watch the movie while Sonic crossed the living room into the kitchen. He had no caller ID to tell him who was on the other end, so he assumed that the one that would ultimately greet him would be Tails or someone.

“Hello?” he answered by the sixth ring.

“Sonic?” a broken voice questioned.

His heart leapt into his throat. He hadn’t heard that voice in a long time, at least not like this. “A-Amy?” he questioned, his voice actually quivering a little, “Why’re you callin’ me? It’s kinda late, and now’s kind of a bad time.”

There was a soft exhale before she started to speak, but her voice hitched and blocked whatever the girl had been about to say before she sniffled.

“Honey why you crying? It everything okay?
I gotta whisper ‘cause I can’t be too loud”

“I just wanted to call and say hi,” she replied, barely biting back another sob that attempted escape.

A concerned look pulled at the cobalt boy’s features. “Amy what’s wrong? Why’re you cryin’?” he whispered into the receiver.

She countered with her own question. “Why do you keep whispering?”

This time Sonic was the one taking his time to reply. He peeked around the doorway into the living room, where Blaze sat on the couch while watching the movie.


“Well, my girl’s in the next room
Sometimes I wish she was you
I guess we never really moved on”

“Blaze is over in the living room. She’s…” He trailed off, suddenly seeing Amy sitting there instead. It was so clear that for a second the thought she really was sitting there. He could see the coral pink fur as clear as crystal, the way her shoulder-length quills framed her cute face in their pixyish style. Her face turned toward him and he could make out every detail – from her perfectly triangular ears and the stubborn bang quills that refused to stay out of her eyes, to her button nose and cute little lips.

Sonic didn’t realize he’d actually started tearing up until he felt the droplets falling down his cheeks. Blaze asked him what was wrong, and he snapped back to reality. He forced a smile and covered the bottom of the phone briefly. “Nothin’ babe. I’ll be out soon.”

He pulled his head back into the kitchen heart pumping a mile a minute. He didn’t expect to see a vision of Amy after all this time. It’d been over a year since they’d broken up. He’d assumed they’d both moved on. He’d been dating Blaze for the last six months or so, and he’d seen Amy more than once on Shadow’s arm, so he just assumed those two had been dating the last several months. As he thought about it though, he could feel jealousy bubbling up in the pit of his stomach. It was odd to say the least, and one again unexpected. Maybe he hadn’t moved on as much as he thought.

“It’s really good to hear your voice saying my name
It sounds so sweet
Coming from the lips of an angel
Hearing those words makes me weak”

“Sonic?” Amy asked, “You still there?”

He felt a shiver go up his spine just from hearing her say his name. “Yeah, I’m still here.”

“What’s wrong?”

He laughed softly. “Nothin’s wrong. I’m just…thinkin’ about things.” He wasn’t going to admit he was seeing visions of her in his living room.

She said his name again, this time with a choked-up laugh. He shivered again, feeling his knees turn to jelly. How ironic that legs as strong as his were buckling just from hearing this girl’s voice over the phone. He slid down the wall to the floor, feeling butterflies in his stomach. Blaze couldn’t elicit such a response out of the blue hedgehog even when she was kissing him deeply.

“And I never wanna say goodbye
But girl you make it hard to be faithful
With the lips of an angel”

He closed his eyes after a shake of his head. What was he thinking? He was with Blaze now. Amy was his past and he was never too keen on looking back on a moment in his life. Sonic was always the one speeding toward the future, not thinking about stuff that was supposed to stay in the past where it belonged.

And yet…

This wasn’t the first time he’d thought about Amy even when he knew Blaze was nearby. There were plenty of times he’d been with the lavender cat and he found his thought wondering back to that coral pink first love of his.

“It’s funny that you’re calling me tonight
And, yes, I’ve dreamt of you too”

“Sonic?” she asked again. The blue blur sat up to attention, his eyes unveiling themselves halfway as he exhaled slowly. “What’re you thinking about? You’re never quiet this long unless something’s on your mind.”

She knew him so well. “It’s funny,” he whispered with a single laugh, “I just never realized…how much I actually think about you still.”

Silence followed on her end.

It surprised Sonic he’d even admit that, but it was true. He’d dream about all the things they did once upon a time, all those simple moments: eating ice cream, taking walks on the beach shore, bringing her along on runs so they could explore the world together, all the meals they’d shared – lunch and dinner. He could remember all the things she’d once baked just for him, which worked out well because Amy loved to cook and he had one of the biggest and most easily satisfied appetites around.

He knew she was starting to tear up again on account of her renewed sniffling, so he decided to change the subject.

“And does he know you’re talking to me?
Will it start a fight?
No I don’t think she has a clue”

“What about Shadow though?” he asked a bit hastily, “Won’t he get mad if he finds out you and me are talkin’ right now?”

Her breath caught in her throat on the other end of the line. “Well, no,” she said, “We were dating, but it never got more serious than a kiss on the cheek. We’re just close friend now.”

Sonic exhaled a breath he didn’t know he’d been holding as he rested the back of his head against the wall. A strange wave of relief washed over him knowing it hadn’t been something more. That meant she still had feelings for him. She hadn’t moved on like he’d thought she had.

“What about you? Does Blaze know you’re on the phone with me?”

As if on cue, the aforementioned feline called her boyfriend from the other room. “Are you coming back Sonic? You’re missing the best part!”

He sighed quietly, simply stating “No.”

“Well my girl’s in the next room
Sometimes I wish she was you
I guess we never really moved on”

They talked for a little while longer before Blaze called Sonic’s name again. She sounded more agitated now since he’d been taking longer than expected, so he had to bid Amy goodbye quickly, regretting he couldn’t keep talking to her. He’d come to realize just how much he missed his fiery sakura rose. They’d been together for almost three years and he’d thrown it away because he’d almost made a mistake that would’ve messed up both their lives for good. He’d thought breaking it off with Amy had been the best choice, and she’d agreed, though now that he thought about it Amy had been reluctant to.

He sighed as he placed the phone back on the hook and went to rejoin Blaze on the couch. This time though, he put deliberate space between them. She leaned against him, but the hedgehog didn’t react. In fact, remained quiet and distant the rest of the movie.

“It’s really good to hear your voice saying my name
It sounds so sweet
Coming from the lips of an angel
Hearing those words it makes me weak”

Later that same night, Blaze had fallen asleep in Sonic’s bed. He was camped out on the couch, with a pillow behind his head and a blanket draped over his legs while his feet rested on the coffee table. Half-closed eyes listlessly watched some late-night program playing on the television, but they were glazed over and out of focus. Sonic had Amy on his mind – had ever since hanging up on her earlier.

He contemplated calling her. His cell sat on the table nearby and he’d only have to reach over and press her speed-dial number. It was that easy, and the urge to contact her was overwhelming.

He never got the chance.

The phone vibrated wildly, threatening to spill off the table’s edge. Sonic’s quick reflexes allowed him to catch it before it ever had the chance to though. His fingers fumbled clumsily with getting it to flip open once he saw the ID on the phone’s face. He could actually feel his heart beating in anticipation as he finally got it open.

“Hello?” he asked automatically.

“Hey Sonic, it’s me again,” she greeted. A shiver ran up and down his spine again as she continued. “Sorry I called your cell. I had a feeling you’d still be awake, but the house phone might wake up your…girlfriend.

The cobalt boy didn’t fail to notice how Amy struggled with that word. There was an underlying bitterness to it, like she desperately wished she could trade places with Blaze and never let him go. Honesty, Sonic wished that too. He’d be kidding himself if he said he didn’t miss Amy. Just the mention of her name made his heart ache with regret.

“And I never wanna say goodbye
But girl you make it hard to be faithful
With the lips of an angel”

He’d never wanted to break Amy’s heart. He’d never wanted it to end with her, but that mistake they’d almost made would’ve ruined both their lives, and he cared about the pink girl too much to do that to her, so they broke it off. Then Sonic had run into Blaze. She’s helped heal most of what time couldn’t and after a number of months they’d just naturally become a couple.

Now he wished they hadn’t so he could run to Amy and tell her that he was sorry for being such an idiot and that he would never leave her again. Sonic knew that was selfish though. He couldn’t just dump Blaze because he wanted to get back together with his ex. He loved her too.


It wasn’t the same sort of love he had for Amy Rose. She had a special place in his heart, and she still had his in the palm of her hand. It had been that way since they’d met as kids long ago, and right now was only proving how true that really was.

“It’s really good to hear your voice saying my name
It sounds so sweet
Coming from the lips of an angel
Hearing those words it makes me weak”

“Ames, I gotta tell ya, ya have no idea how good it feels to hear ya right now,” he quietly confessed.

He heard her gasp on the other end. “R-Really?”

“Yeah. I can’t lie to myself about that. Ya know I’m a terrible liar anyway.” She giggled and he smiled, wiping his eyes clear as he did so. “I really do miss ya. I think about ya a lot, maybe more than I actually should.”

He stopped, finding himself really crying now. Sonic struggled to wipe the tears away and get them to stop, but they refused to. He heated to cry, but he couldn’t help it now. His heart was aching for days gone by, for a girl he’d stupidly left behind.

“And I never wanna say goodbye
But girl you make it hard to be faithful
With the lips of an angel”

Unbeknownst to Sonic, Blaze was listening in from the adjoining hall. She’d been unable to sleep and had come out to see him, but when she heard him talking, she stopped in the hall and started listening in. The feline could feel her heart breaking as the hedgehog continued to speak, but what he said next caught her attention.

“But…I can’t leave Blaze. You’ll always be in my heart Ames, but I love her too, and she’s my girlfriend. It’s not right for me to be doin’ this behind her back… Well, I’ll talk to ya later I guess. Bye.”

Blaze felt her heart clench after. Sonic really meant those words. He loved her, but he loved Amy too – maybe more. His heart was conflicted, and as much as the feline didn’t want it to be true, Amy Rose was the one he was meant to be with, not her. She didn’t want to be selfish – Blaze loved Sonic and wanted him to be happy and deep down she knew he wouldn’t really find it with her.

When the phone clicked closed, Blaze emerged from her hiding place in the shadows. “Sonic, I think…we need to talk.”

“Never wanna say goodbye
But girl you make it hard to be faithful
With the lips of an angel”

He looked over in surprise. “Blaze? What’re ya doin’ up?” he asked.

“I could ask the same of you, considering the time,” she replied.

“I couldn’t sleep.”

“The same goes for me.”

“Fair enough. So what’s on your mind?”

She didn’t speak right away as she joined Sonic on the couch. He knew something was wrong by her body language. She took his hands in her own, massaging one with her thumb before her gaze lifted to meet his.

“I think…it’s time we broke it off,” she finally confessed.

He blinked in confusion. “I don’t think I follow.”

She sighed and smiled sadly. “I mean us Sonic. I don’t think it’s working out anymore.”

His eyes widened in shock. “What? Why?”

“I heard you on the phone just now.”

Sonic’s jaw dropped open like he wanted to say something, but no words came out. He closed it a second later and looked away guiltily. How could he have been so stupid? He wished he didn’t have such a big mouth.

Blaze lifted Sonic’s head by his chin. “You and I both know I’m not the one for you. Amy is. She’s still got your heart in her hands just like she always did. I love you Sonic, but I want you to be happy, and you’re not going to truly find it with me.”

His expression was uncertain. “Are ya sure?”

She nodded. “Yes, completely.” She kissed Sonic lightly on the cheek. “I’m going to head home now. I’ll see you later.”

With one last smile, the feline got up, grabbed her coat from the closet, and left.

Sonic watched her go. He debated on going after her, to tell Blaze he loved her and that she was the one for him. He sat there for quite some time trying to figure out why it didn’t feel like his heart was breaking when it should be. Was he actually happy she’d broken up with him? Or was it because he was too numb from confliction to really feel anything?

He wouldn’t get the answer, because his cell vibrated again. Picking it up, he looked at the caller ID. Eyes narrowing a bit, he dashed to the closet to pull out a winter jacket before sprinting out of his home.

“Honey why you calling me so late?”

He finally answered the phone after the seventh ring. He had to get away from home for this, he was sure of that. Now a soft flurry of snow fell around him as he stood outside on an empty plowed street.

“What is it Amy?” he asked, “Do you know what time it is?”

A low sigh escaped her on the other end. “I-I’m sorry Sonic…” she apologized, “Blaze called me a little while ago and told me what happened… I-I just wanted to make sure you were okay.”

He didn’t answer right away. Blaze had called Amy? For what reason? Could it be what he thought it was? No, it couldn’t be. Blaze just didn’t seem like the type to do that, would she…?

“Sonic? Are you okay?”

He snapped out of it, smiling as he watched the house in front of him. “Yeah, I’m just out on a run. Thought it might help clear my head.”

Amy gasped softly on the other end. “Sonic, are you crazy? You’ll catch your death out there!” she told him worriedly, “Where are you? Are you close by? Why don’t you come over and warm up.”

“Well…” he began, but trailed off quickly. What was he doing? Maybe he should just go back home.

Amy beat him to the punch. “Never mind, I’ll come find you, okay? Just start where you are.”

“But Amy---” he began, but the line when dead.

He snapped the phone shut and shoved it into his pocket. Not a second later, the door of the house in front of him opened; flooding the front yard with light and illuminating the snow until it sparkled. In the doorway silhouetted was Amy Rose. She took a few steps outside, the snow crunching softly beneath her red boots as she started out toward the street. However, she paused as she descended the first of three steps toward the ground. Her eyes grew wide at the sight of the cobalt boy standing at the end of her walkway.

Tears starting to fall, she ran the rest of the way down the steps and the walkway. She tripped as she neared him, but his swift actions caught the coral rose before she ever made contact with the snow. Sonic continued to hold her, even as she looked up at him with shining and questioning eyes.

“Sonic, w-what’re you---?” she began, but he interrupted her.

“I felt like I should. Blaze helped me open my eyes.”

“What do you m---?”

But the rest of the sentence was cut off as Sonic caught Amy’s lips in a passionate kiss. When it broke, he pulled her in close, resting his head atop hers.

“That’s what I mean.”

Amy said nothing in return. She was too choked up with a large range of emotions to say anything. All she could do was return the embrace, completing it. They stayed that was for a moment before Amy twisted her head upward, catching Sonic’s lips with her own as she stood on tiptoe to reach his face. He felt warmth spread throughout his body at her touch, and he deepened the kiss, realizing how much he loved his rose-colored angel, and made a silent promise he’d never leave her like that again.
Been working on this since last December (though most of that excuse is due to laziness). Anyway, I just felt like trying to come up with a story centered around one of my favorite songs. I've seen other people do it with different songs, so I wanted to try doing it myself.

"Lips of an Angel" is by Hinder
Sonic and Amy are (c) to SEGA/Sonic Team
Story by me
© 2013 - 2024 MidnightFire1222
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PrincessCrystal25's avatar
This was a very sweet and lovely one-shot!!!! :heart: :clap: